This morning as I woke early (again), I was swamped with the thoughts of all the little things yet to be completed before we leave and I began to get anxious. But before I allowed all of these ideas to consume me, I sat down and had my quiet time. I am tempted to do things in my own power and strength and then wonder why I am frustrated at the end of the day. I'm slowly learning that it is always better to start my day with God and seek His direction for my day.
As I was talking with God, one of my prayers was that He would reign in our team, and also in me, which led me to this song - "Reign in Us" by Starfield.
Reign In Us
Chorus 1
Oh great and mighty One
With one desire we come
That You would reign
That You would reign in us
We're offering up our lives
A living sacrifice
That You would reign
That You would reign in us
Verse 1
You thought of us before the world began to breathe
You knew our names before we came to be
You saw the very day we'd fall away from You
How desperately we need to be redeemed
Lord Jesus come lead us
We're desperate for Your touch
Verse 2
Spirit of the living God fall fresh again
Come search our hearts and purify our lives
We need Your perfect love we need Your discipline
We're lost unless You guide us with Your light
Lord Jesus come lead us
We're desperate for Your touch
Misc 1
We cry out for Your life to refine us
Cry out for Your love to define us
Cry out for Your mercy to keep us
Blameless until You return
So reign, please reign in us
Come purify our hearts
We need your touch
Come cleanse us like a flood and send us out
So the world may know YOU REIGN
You reign in us
CCLI Song No. 5207587
© 2008 Fieldstar Music | Birdwing Music | Screaming Norman Music | WB Music Corporation (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) | (a div. of EMI Christian Music Publishing) | Ben Glover | Jon Neufeld | Tim Neufeld For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights Reserved. CCLI License No. 500152
I've underlined some of the lyrics that really spoke to me this morning, and are part of my prayer for myself and for our team. That we would truly allow God to lead us as a team and individually. We will be lost otherwise.
This mission trip is all about what God is going to do, not what I hope will happen. Yes there are details yet to take care of, but with God's leading and guiding, the right ones will get done, and the ones that aren't needed, will be left for some other trip.
Will you join with me as we pray that God's work will be done, and our selfish ambitions will be set aside to allow God to do immeasurably more than we can ever think or imagine?
Thank you.
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on Thursday, July 8, 2010
at Thursday, July 08, 2010
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