God is Strong  

Posted by Pastor Terry

Good evening from Huixquilucan.  Today we got to experience so much of what makes this community so unique and beloved by it’s people.

It began again with getting ready this morning, some kids have been taking advantage of being able to have a shower here at the school which we appreciate so much, though there is no hot water tank so those showers are mighty chilly!  You appreciate so many more things when you are in a situation like this.  This is life for many Mexicans, no hot water, maybe limited electricity, a small house, a humble house.   And I have come to be happy just to have a shower available for me every few days.  There is a lot that seems to matter at home, that really doesn’t matter that much here.  I know that that is impacting the students. 

Today it was very cool and rainy as we left for the church.  Terry found out today that we are 1.8 miles (3000 meters) above sea level here.  As we arrived the weather began to clear up and it was cloudy but not raining all morning.  This afternoon though it poured and when I say poured, there are periods where it’s all out downpour!  If you’re stuck in it (which today we were), you’ll be fully soaked.  We tease that it’s our shower for the day. 

Today the team was leading on the theme of God is strong.  The Bible story is of Joshua, the people of Israel and the walls of Jericho.  Kids became the people walking around the walls, and the leaders were a “wall pyramid”.  In the craft the children made “strong” creatures out of soft foam play dough.  The Mexican nationals were fascinated with the play dough we brought and said they’d never seen it before in Mexico and what a great thing it would be for their ministry, so that was fun to bring that to them.  The crafts were so great today!  The kids had so much fun and were so creative, we saw all sort of variety of animals and creatures!   So many of us are really taken by the absolute beauty and warmth of the Mexican children.  They love easily, and there are some kids we’ve already made some special connections to. 

One of our new friends is Edgar.  He is one of our translators that I’ve probably mentioned before.  He and his sister are some of the people that are helping plant this Huixquilucan church.  He is such a kind person, and really has such a heart to reach these people, and such a heart to give.  He has helped us so much.  Has taken time off of work to be with us each day.  Please pray for Edgar, he is feeling the call to ministry either pastoral or missionary and I can see how God would use him in wonderful ways.  Pray that God would confirm if it is His calling for Edgar and that He would provide for him to prepare for ministry. 

I saw some great things happening with students today, Siobhan really seems to enjoy and do well at sitting down and spending time with kids, I love watching her just enjoy the children and love them.  Stephen is just a natural too with the kids, he’s great for a little goofier roughhousing or teasing, and the kids are always seeking him out.  Erin has done wonderfully planning and carrying out crafts and working with each group of kids.  Tim has really amazed me.  I see God so evidently at work in him.  We had a great conversation today about him really feeling God so present and real here.  Such a delight for me to hear that.  Matt today worked so hard on being able to say the Bible point of God is Strong in Spanish, (he talks about it with the kids at Chatter’s Theatre) it is “Dios el Fuerte” which is pronounced DE-aws el Fwher-tay.  He had such a hard time getting the FW in there together, we were so proud when he finally got it! 

Oh Sheleena – your husband’s Spanish is amazing.  I can’t believe how he can converse.  Jesse was able to spend some time with Isaac last evening and had some really fantastic fellowship.  He just looks like he is totally in his element here.  And he’s so great with our students too.   You can feel really proud of him.   And Voss’ I am just so touched by Megan’s leadership just by her presence with the team and with the Mexicans.  She really takes in each moment.  I’ve so enjoyed spending some time with her. 

You’ll all have to ask your kids what their “Mexican” name is.  Many of the pronunciations of their names are different in Spanish and some of them are so cool.  It’s really something I’ll always remember.

After an amazing lunch of pork (almost a stir fry) and rice that we were able to put into freshly made corn tortillas with lime sprinkled on (OH YUM), we played soccer, hung out, talked with some of the nationals that help us…we went on a walking tour of a spot in Huixquilucan that is very special to them.  It’s a cultural centre that emphasizes the arts, music, dance, painting, drawing, native Mexican music…etc.  It was built to help young children in the city learn something positive that can influence their world.  It really was very interesting.  Then a friend of Yolanda (one of our hosts at the church) gave us a talk on some of the history of the city, and area.  Hayley did an amazing job translating for us.  I was so proud of her.  There have been so many influences here, Aztec gods, early Mexican roots, Spanish conquers, and Catholic influences, all of these things mixed together.   You can understand why a little church plant like Huixquilucan  is so important here, and why they face challenges in presenting the gospel of Jesus to these people. 

Please pray for us tomorrow.  We will present the gospel message that Jesus saves, and what it means to have our sins forgiven and a personal relationship with him.  Many of these children have never heard or understood what it means to know Jesus personally and live with Him as Saviour and Lord.  Pray that our communication would be effective and that children will respond to His spirit calling them in love.  Nothing else. 

Later in the afternoon tomorrow (about 4:30 after our final day of VBS), we’ll be inviting the parents to come for a program showing a video of the week, Terry will preach a short message and the kids will sing.  Please remember this time in prayer as well.  For many of these families it will be their first time in a church setting.  I think Terry is going to talk about the parable of the soils. 

Tonight I read to the team from Philippians 1:23 – 2:11…talking about being one in spirit and purpose, having the attitude of Jesus as we serve.  I told them how proud I am of them in the ways I see that happening in our team.  I am powerfully moved to see how we are our own little body of Christ here, and how each of our gifts, abilities and choices to serve are making a difference.   They have chosen to step forward to involve themselves in His work, and in doing so, they have allowed their lives to be used and changed too.  Praise God! 

Prayer Requests – The team is tuckered, pray for renewed energy and a dependence on God for our own strength each day.

Some kids are struggling with stuffy-ness and cold symptoms.  Some of that could be because of the humidity, ever changing weather and altitude.  Pray for health and restoration.

Pray that the team begins to assimilate some of what they are learning – not just into their heads but also into their hearts and spirits.  Some of the lessons are intangible yet, but they can begin to allow it impact them if they are willing to take some time to reflect, pray that we would have wisdom to help them with that. 

Ok…I’ve talked a book again, and it’s time for me to get ready for bed.  Thank you again, all of you;  parents, relatives, and friends for your continued support and teamwork with us in praying.  We love you! 


This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at Wednesday, July 21, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



Teary-eyed again! Thanks so much for the blessing of this blog. Praying that God will do amazing things through each of you today.

July 22, 2010 at 6:50 AM

Talking a book is a good thing. We are so honored to be part of the work you are doing to serve the Lord and are better able to uphold you before the throne of grace because you provide us with details about what's happening. Thank you. The living Lord smiles upon your service for him.

July 22, 2010 at 7:37 AM

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