First full day in Huixquilucan  

Posted by Pastor Terry

Another very full 24 hours. 

Let me just say that we have chickens and several roosters right beside the house where we are staying.  Terry wants to eat the one that started crowing at 3:30 am. 

Well, unfortunately during the night Noah our son became more and more sick and not much sleep was had for us.  I made the decision that Noah and I would not be going with the team in the morning for VBS.  And he and I would stay here at the school to let him sleep and have some quiet.   

Because of our very late arrival last night we couldn’t purchase our groceries, so  the team had a simple breakfast of pre-toasted bread, butter and juice.  Then they all walked down the hills to the church.  Huixquilucan is full of high hills and mountains, it is a very simple and beautiful place.  Much less urban than in Santa Ursula, and yet still full of people.   This morning began with clouds and looked like it would be cool, yet it warmed up beautifully and much of the day was very sunny.  Can you say…hmmm sunburn?  Later today I reminded the students – even if the day starts cloudy….it will likely get sunny, so never forget the sunscreen. 

The team did their first  day of VBS and there were approximately 115 children, many of the younger ages 4 – 8.  Highlights of the day – Christie leading in Spanish – not just reading it from a page, but on her own leading and singing in Spanish.  Seeing the students jump in and get to know and love kids.  Their attempts to communicate often-times without words, but often learning new Spanish words.  Having Amanda Luna here to assist in the lessons with the children and in Chadder’s Theatre.   The adaptability of the team to ever changing plans or circumstances, they are really learning to let go of the need to know everything and trusting God’s leading in different circumstances. 

Apparently Joel and Ethan were very popular with some of the older girls as Joel lead games and Ethan helped.  (hee hee!).   It was a good start to the week ahead. 

The church families made us lunch again today.  It was delicious.  Meat balls with some sauce and rice and vegetables.  Then as Terry and Hayley met with Pastor Jaime and Amanda about possible plans for the day(s) ahead, an impromptu game of soccer started up with the Mexican’s.  The kids had SO much fun.  There was much laughter and friendships being built.  

Later in the afternoon the kids went on a bus tour of some of the city and stopped at a mall.  Noah became more and more ill and his fever increased.  The place we were staying is a nursing school, (Thank you Lord),  so one of the nurses Senora Delores looked at Noah.  It was such a humbling experience for me.  My Spanish is so limited, and she didn’t speak English.  I have a new respect for newcomers to a country.  It is so humbling to sit there and want and need to understand and be understood. She was trying so hard to help me.  I had my Spanish/English Dictionary and she called her son to help her.  I said over and over Pardone (pardon me..I’m sorry) and she was the one feeling bad because she didn’t know English.  She expressed such kindness to us.  She thought it was a throat infection.  One of our translators Edgar has a friend who is the head doctor at a local hospital, his wife is a Christian but he is not, but he is sympathetic and wanted to help us, so later tonight we went to the hospital and Noah was seen.  How grateful I am for that.  And for Amanda who could translate for us.  Noah has infected tonsils, quite badly, so they gave him a shot of antibiotics with what we describe as a “very long needle” and also gave us medicine to take home.  Right now he is sleeping peacefully beside me.  Praise God. 

As we were waiting at the hospital, a family came in with their little girl – maybe 1 years old, she had obviously fallen and had a huge gash in her head and scrapes on her face.  She needed stitches and from her cries I know they had to hold her down to put them in.  It hit me that babies cry in the same language, and mother’s and fathers feel the same anxiety and concern over their children, and compassion can be communicated without words. 

Right now the team is doing their nightly meeting for updates, worship, team building, prayer and planning for tomorrow.  I am so touched by their prayers, singing and laughter.  They are doing really well everyone.  I think now that we are “settled” into their routine for a few days it really helps them too.  They are doing what they are here for. 

Here’s a few first impressions from the kids:

Feels like home – Dave

The people here, all of them, are so nice and are social and understanding despite our cultural differences - Joel Voss

Incredible atmosphere all the people are super loving and God’s love is so clear here – Tim

I have loved meeting and talking with the Mexicans – Stephen

Loving, caring compassionate people, so GLAD to be back!  - Megan Voss

Amazing surrounded with great kindness and hospitality.  It’s great to be back and looking forward to the VBS – Matt

It’s so great to be back with mi familia mexicanos!  I’m looking forward to the great times we’ll have and I’m loving just about every minute of it!  - Alex (I have to add that Alex’s Spanish is really coming along so amazingly!  So proud of him)

At first I was VERY scared, but everyone that we met was incredibly nice and welcoming.  I am continually impressed by the love they selflessly give us, even though they have never met us before.  I am also very excited about the fellowship that is developing within the team and between us and our hosts – Katherine. 

…alright everyone, I’ll add more 1st impressions in another post.  This is a book already. 

Let me just say too, for you first time families – There has never been a moment were I as a mom have not felt safe here, or that my children were not safe.  We are so well cared for and the team really looks after each other with such intention.  I know as a parent that reassurance means a lot. 

God is good.  Even in the things that are difficult and you can’t understand.  I continue to trust Him for what He will do in us and through us.


This entry was posted on Monday, July 19, 2010 at Monday, July 19, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



Thanx for the excellent update. Bev and I both enjoyed hearing about your wonderful experiences. Looking forward to hearing more!

July 19, 2010 at 10:43 PM

We are thrilled (but not surprised) how the team has so quickly integrated and adapted into the Mexico City environment. We continue to remember all of you in prayer.

Megan - At least try and pretend you miss us...
Joel - Proud of you!

July 19, 2010 at 11:51 PM

We'll pray for Noah's health. Love to everyone!

July 20, 2010 at 7:30 AM

love it. Keep praying for the doctor and his precious wife (who's also a doctor in opthamology or something like that) and their little guy Jose!

As I washed dishes last night in a quiet house, it was a great time to be lifting up your team and praying for rest!

July 20, 2010 at 7:36 AM

Alex and tim's Mom: thanks for all the updates its a relieve and also a blessing for me to read them everyday
may god heal noah and continue to provide the care he needs
wonderful work you're all doing - so many people are touched by every moment of encounter with you all!
Spread the love and take care of yourselves and each other
tim / al - I'm sooo proud of you young men!


July 20, 2010 at 8:50 AM

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